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News Room

The need to know news, opinions and announcements for South Dakota's educators
SDEA tells the stories of the educators making our public schools work. Learn more about our activism on key issues facing our members, and hear what those members have to say about the current events that affect them.

New from SDEA

Read the latest on our advocacy, our members, and the education issues that matter to our students.

Press Releases

Our press releases include SDEA calls to action, position statements, public comments, event announcements, and more.
Kerry Konda poses for a picture with their child.
I wanted a seat at the table to help shape policy that affected my students, my classroom, my school district, and my community. SDEA provided me the opportunity to come to that metaphorical table.
Quote by: Kerry Konda, High School Speech and Debate Teacher

Community Promo Test

Community Promo Test

Use Your Educator Voice.

We are THE voice for educators in South Dakota. See what membership can mean for you!

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.

It's about our kids.

The South Dakota Education Association (SDEA) is a professional organization working hard for educators, so they can continue to work hard for our kids. SDEA members provide a wide range of professional education services in communities throughout the state.