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SDEA at Lobby Day

Speak Up for Students Our Voice Is Our Power

We’ll advocate for fully-funded public schools. We’ll dismantle unjust systems. We’ll give our students the opportunities they need to succeed. Help us make it happen.
SDEA President Paul
Now is not the time to be silent. We are stronger together. The more voices we have working together, the louder we will be.
Quote by: Loren Paul, SDEA President
First grade teacher Leslie Richardson with her students

Our Issues

We are active on a host of issues that impact our students, educators, and communities.
An SDEA member has a conversation with a legislator at the 2022 Lobby Day.

SDEA at the Capitol

SDEA represents the interests of educators and students at the Statehouse.
An SDEA member knocks on a door.

Our Victories

With a unified voice, educators can accomplish so much when we work together and speak up for our students, public schools, and communities.
SD State Capitol

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It's about our kids.

The South Dakota Education Association (SDEA) is a professional organization working hard for educators, so they can continue to work hard for our kids. SDEA members provide a wide range of professional education services in communities throughout the state.