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Our Victories

With a unified voice, educators can accomplish so much when we work together and speak up for our students, public schools, and communities.

Speaking Up for Educators: A Decade of Success

SDEA members have joined together with families and community leaders to advocate for our students and our public schools. And along the way, we’ve accomplished quite a bit. Take a look at what we can do together when we use our collective power to speak up for students and educators.
member knocking on door

Referred Law 16

SDEA gathered over 30,000 signatures to refer legislation (HB 1234) that established a statewide merit pay scheme and took away continuing contract rights for teachers. Referred Law 16 was defeated by the voters by 68% of the vote!

Blue Ribbon Task Force

SDEA worked with Governor Dennis Daugaard to establish the Blue Ribbon Task Force on teacher pay. Educators had a seat the table with other state leaders to develop a strategy to finally move South Dakota out of last place in teacher pay.
half penny

History Increase in Education Funding Targeted at Teacher Pay

South Dakota State Legislature increased the state's sales tax by half a penny. The new revenue was targeted to increase the average teacher salary by $5,000. It was the first time since 1969 that the legislature increased the sales tax.

Defeated Ban on Collective Bargaining

SDEA members flooded the state capitol with messages after lawmakers introduced legislation to prohibit collective bargaining.

Extended Accountability for Educator Pay

SDEA worked with lawmakers to ensure the money from the state's increase in sales tax continued to go to teacher pay.
Defeated Vouchers
South Dakota State Capitol

Defeated Vouchers

SDEA defeated voucher legislation. Two bills were introduced and both were defeated in committee.

It's about our kids.

The South Dakota Education Association (SDEA) is a professional organization working hard for educators, so they can continue to work hard for our kids. SDEA members provide a wide range of professional education services in communities throughout the state.